• (02) 6772 9123
  • mail@snelandcare.org.au

    Latest News

    BT Landholder survey social tile320The ag sector and The Energy Charter have collaborated on the development of a short 15-minute survey which will guide the development of practical guidelines for co-existence between the agricultural sector and energy companies. Other community members who would like to share their views on this important topic are also invited to share their views.

    Des presents 320Attention Landholders in the Herbert Park, Puddledock and Tilbuster areas: Have you seen a koala on your place lately?

    Southern New England Landcare is engaging with landholders in your area.

    When: Thursday, 22nd September 2022, from 4.30pm to 6pm
    Where: Charlestown Willows Reserve, Rockvale Road, Armidale (next to Tilbuster Creek)

    SNEL CEO Karen Zirkler with RAB CEO David Heine320Southern New England Landcare was presented with $6,628.40 at the annual Regional Australia Bank Community Partnership Program recognition evening, at the Armidale Golf Club, on Wednesday 10th August 2022.

    Southern New England Landcare Ltd Rehydrating Malpas Case StudyOur Local Landcare Coordinators have recently completed three new case studies from work we've facilitated with members, friends and project partners during the last 12 months.

    NSW BCT LogoIf you’re in the Armidale or Uralla LGAs, you could be eligible for the Northern Inland Koala conservation tender. Successful applicants will enter a conservation agreement and earn annual payments to protect koala habitat.

    The following information sessions will provide all necessary information about the tender and application process.

    LC nsw320Following a 20-month consultation with members, Landcare NSW has adopted new governance arrangements, which will come into effect from 1 July 2022. 

    The current Executive Committee will transition to a Board of Directors of the new company-limited-by-guarantee until the Landcare NSW Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held in November 2022.

    Malpas Dam Adam320MEDIA RELEASE


    Wednesday, 18 May 2022

    NORTHERN Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has this week challenged the State Government to turn on the tap and starting filling the $27 million funding bucket required to raise the Malpas Dam wall and deliver decades of water security to the city of Armidale and community of Guyra.

    ravi palwe I3urDa6z2 4 unsplashThe board of Southern New England Landcare conducted their annual Strategic Plan Review workshop on 20th April 2022.

    While most content has remained relevant and unchanged, the Southern New England Landcare Strategic Plan (2022) includes updates to the context in which we operate, given the implementation of the New England Renewable Energy Zone.

    DSC 0082aSouthern New England Landcare group representatives and friends came together on 18th May 2022 at Uralla Community Centre to share their activities and hear from guest speaker Stuart Austin on Wilmot Cattle Co's carbon initiatives.

    Some 30 people attended the event and afterwards enjoyed a light supper and networking, catered by Michael's Cafe in Uralla (left).

    drought wide 320Much of Australia might be sopping wet, but the spectre of the inevitable next big drought haunts the thoughts of farmers and pastoralists.

    A new initiative by the University of New England (UNE) aims to ensure that when the next dry hits, the region’s farmers are better equipped to manage their way through it.

    The Drought Resilient Soils and Landscapes project received $900,000 funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund. Led by UNE’s Professor Lewis Kahn, Mr Peter Fitzgerald and Dr Sara Mika, the purpose is to coach groups of farmers in the science and craft of managing livestock systems for climate resilience.

    Koala BenVincent 320The NSW Government is releasing funding support for private landholders to protect koala habitat in the Northern Tablelands as one of the first actions under the new NSW Koala Strategy.

    The $193.3 million NSW Koala Strategy, released in April, is the biggest financial commitment by any government to secure the future of koalas in the wild.

    Image - a new resident in relatively new plantings along Dumaresq Creek in Armidale. Photo courtesy Ben Vincent.

    Kath Wray Blue WrenKath passed away peacefully on Wednesday 20th April.

    Farewell to an Armidale champion, Kath Wray, a dedicated conservationist, hard working member of Armidale Tree Group and nursery, Armidale National Parks Association and many other local groups in our community.

    As founder in 1991 of the Citizens Wildlife Corridors, Kath worked voluntarily in partnership with landowners, Landcare, ecologists, conservationists, Local Government and government agencies, Catchment Management, politicians and community to protect native wildlife and habitats by creating corridors across diverse land tenures.

    Her funeral is on Friday 29th April at 2pm in Piddingtons Chapel followed by the wake at Piddingtons Armidale. Livestream available https://piddingtons.com.au

    If you have any little stories that you’d like share can you please email them to Kath’s daughter Helen Mooney or call 0409 681 067.

    RIP dear Friend.

    SWIFT 36188 small by Henry Cook 340pHi Woodland Birders,

    The first reported Swift Parrot arrivals on the mainland in the past 3-4 weeks has signalled the beginning of their over-wintering season – and Round 1 of our biannual Swift Parrot / Regent Honeyeater surveys is fast approaching!

    We are excited to announce that the biannual targeted searches for Swift Parrots and Regent Honeyeaters are set to continue as planned in 2022, in what we hope is a largely undisrupted year given the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

    To help get you all excited and in the mood for surveys, please see this link for a stunning glimpse of Swifties having a drink at an artificial waterhole in North-east Victoria recently.

    The 6-week windows for formal surveys in 2022 are:

    Round 1: Saturday 23rd April to Sunday 5th June (roughly centred on the traditional 3rd weekend in May)

    Round 2: Saturday 16th July to Sunday 28th August (roughly centred on the traditional 1st weekend in August).


    Image: Swift Parrot courtesy of Henry Cook

    We'd love to have you participate in the collective search for these two critically endangered species. We thank you for your invaluable past support and involvement which has made a significant contribution to the knowledge and conservation management for these species. As always, we also collect all incidental sightings of these two species made at any time of the year - at any mainland location.

    For the Regent Honeyeater sightings in particular, we encourage you to let us know ASAP by emailing woodlandbirds@birdlife.org.au or using the freecall number (1800-621-056) - as well as documenting any leg colour band combinations and other relevant details (e.g., number of birds, behaviour, etc.).

    Please feel free to get in touch with us about biannual counts or the annual report (woodlandbirds@birdlife.org.au).

    Thanks again for your support and involvement in the conservation of our threatened and declining woodland birds.

    From Beau, Chris, Dean, Mick, Candice and Kristy.

    Beau Meney | Woodland Birds Project Officer
    B Sc. (Hons)

    BirdLife Australia
    Suite 2-05, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton VIC 3053
    M 0411 055 563 | T 03 9347 0757 | F 03 9347 9323
    beau.meney@birdlife.org.au | birdlife.org.au
    ABN 75 149 124 774

    koala release2 320

    This Landcare Koala Release video, from March 15, was magnificently captured and produced by Dave Waugh. (Dave, you rock!) 

    Footrot InspectFollowing is a recent media release about the annual surveillance and monitoring program in sheep, that is currently underway on the NSW Northern Tablelands to maintain the region’s Footrot Protected Area Status.

    Insurance vlad deepIf you are one of the key contacts in your local Southern New England Landcare group, you may have received an email recently from Landcare NSW, suggesting that your group consider taking up membership with Landcare NSW, and accessing the new insurance deal they have secured. 

    Your group will only need to consider this if it is incorporated in its own right. For instance, Arding Landcare Inc., Sustainable Living Armidale Inc, Armidale Tree Group Inc. etc.

    All unincorporated sub-groups of Southern New England Landcare Ltd are NOT required to sign up as members of Landcare NSW for the purposes of insurance, as they are already signed up and insured under the new policy recently taken by Southern New England Landcare Ltd under the Landcare NSW master policy arrangement. However, your sub-group of Southern New England Landcare Ltd needs to be aware of the new 'rules' that now apply under the new insurance policies.

    deb1.320There's never a dull moment at Landcare. Supporting our local ag show, we entered in the 2023 Armidale Show: Window Display Competition. ?? ??

    Theme: From Little Things Big Things Grow!

    And the winner is......

    winners3202022 Armidale Show: Window Display Competition. ?? ??
    Theme: Water: a Rural Lifesaver

    And the winner is......

    IMG 5886 320A small number of participants including staff from Armidale Regional Council attended the Malpas Catchment Group (MCG) meeting on Wednesday December 8th 2021 at the Guyra Bowling & Recreation Club.

    Image - Bron Cameron from 2ROG presenting an outline of the Armidale Regional Council's Catchment Water Quality Strategic Plan process as part of the gathering.

    Lathams Snipe eBird2 320Southern New England Landcare will host a community gathering to celebrate United Nations International World Wetlands Day, at the Mother of Ducks Lagoon, Guyra, from 8am - 10am, Wednesday 2nd February 2022.

    Image: Latham's Snipe gallinago hardwickii. Courtesy of ebird.

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