Volunteer with us...
Would you like to volunteer with our organisation? We welcome your assistance!
Volunteering with Southern New England Landcare can be fun, educational and great experience on your resume! It’s a great way to meet new people and practice your skills. The range of volunteer roles varies, from working with a local group at planting, weeding and fencing sites in urban or rural settings, to helping out in the office with tasks such as mail outs and data entry. Sometimes we require someone with more specialist skills such as librarianship, accounting, auditing and data analysis and we are sometimes able to provide university students with ‘work experience projects’.
To register as a volunteer with Southern New England Landcare, email us at mail@snelandcare.org.au with your name, address, phone number and email address in the text. Please also indicate any areas of expertise, how much time you have, and what kinds of jobs you like.