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    Koala Projects

    2023-2025 NTLLS Koala Habitat Restoration

    Funds: $204,591

    This project will deliver on ground actions to improve the quality, quantity and connectivity of koala habitat in the Northern Tablelands, prioritising areas adjacent to the Armidale Area of Regional Koala Significantce (ARKS).

    The project will address the key threats to koalas including habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation of habitat which are considered primary ecological threatening processes to koalas. Working with local landholders land managers and community, this revegetation project will establish 20 ha of new koala habitat.

    2022-2026 NSW Koala Program - NT Regional Partnership

    Funds: $650,000

    The 2022-2026 NSW Koala Program - Northern Tablelands Regional Partnership will be run across our region from 1 June 2022 to 30 June 2026. It will deliver on-ground actions to protect local koala populations and their habitat in Northern Tablelands over the next five years. Project activities focus on the Armidale and Uralla local government areas and surrounds.

    The project is funded by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment under the NSW Koala Strategy.

    2022-2023 Koala Vehicle Strike Strategy

    Funds: $22,000

    To provide funds for leasing two Variable Message Signs to caution drivers of a known koala crossing on the New England Highway adjacent to Uralla Golf Club, and to provide funds under a service agreement with Uralla Golf Club to undertake a maximum of four roadside slashing actions during this time. These actions are part of the 2022-2023 Koala Vehicle Strike Strategy, a sub project of the Northern Tablelands Koala Partnership project.

    2022-2023 Federal Koala Investment Project

    Funding: $420,000

    From 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023, this project will deliver key activities aimed at researching, monitoring and conserving koala populations in the Armidale Area of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS). It will also work with and expand on the achievements of our 2020-22 Northern Tablelands Koala Partnership Project.

    Project activities align with and contribute to the NSW Koala Strategy and the NSW Koala Research Program and the project will be guided by the Northern Tablelands Koala Partnership Project Steering Committee.

    Funding for this project has been provided through the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) as part of the Federal Governments Regional Bushfire Recovery for Multiregional Species and Strategic Projects Program grant opportunity.


    2022-2023 DPE Koala Habitat Restoration

    Funds: $50,000

    The Project objective is to restore a minimum of 25 hectares of koala habitat on private land in the Northern Tablelands in 2022-23, using restoration activities approved under the NSW Koala Strategy. The funding will supplement the on-ground works funded under the 2022-23 Federal EES Koala Investment Project and the 2022-23 NSW DPE Koala strategy.

    Funded by NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

    2022 CSIRO National Koala Monitoring Plan

    Funds: $20,000

    From February 2022 to June 2023, Southern New England Landcare will coordinate monitoring for the presence of koalas in key areas of the Armidale region.

    The project is funded by the Australian Government.


    2021-2022 NSW Koala Monitoring Framework

    Funds: $19,999

    The 2021-2022 Koala Monitoring Framework secured funds to deliver the monitoring and surveying component of our 2020-2022 Northern Tablelands Koala Partnership project. It deployed 50 audio moths at nominated sites across the Armidale region, and downloaded data for submission in a report to the Department of Planning and Environment for analysis.


    2021-2022 Northern Tablelands Koala Partnership Project

    Funds: $100,000

    The Northern Tablelands region was identified as an important area for the future of koalas. It has several koala populations that are not subject to the same population and development pressures as those on the coast. The region may also be more resilient to the impacts of a changing climate.

    Recent research has indicated the Northern Tablelands has a resilient yet sparse koala population with small areas recognised as “hotspots” for koala movement a stable koala populations. Dedicated staff capacity was identified as a limiting factor in delivering successful conservation programs. In the 2020-21 financial year, the Northern Tablelands Koala Conservation Project was funded by the NSW government under the Saving our Species Iconic Koala Project.

    The project has now established partnerships with research, government, industry and community organisations that help provide knowledge and resources to achieve the ambitious Year 1 project objectives.


    2020-2023 ARC Koala Drinker Project

    Funds: $2400
    This project will purchase and install camera traps on a series of koala drinkers in the Armidale Regional Council area. We will coordinate community volunteers to check the drinkers on a regular basis to ensure the batteries and SD cards are maintained and download the data.

    2020-2021 SOS NT Koala Partnership Project

    Funds: $170,000

    This project saw Southern New England Landcare host a Koala Project Officer with funding from Saving Our Species, through DPIE. The dedicated Project Officer, with assistance from Southern New England Landcare, facilitated a Project Advisory Committee, prepared a Project Implementation Plan, hosted a forum of regional stakeholders, collated data sources and maps of priority areas, coordinated community field events, coordinated community contributions to koala tracking programs, engaged landholders, sourced grants, facilitated a draft regional fire management plan and a regional koala disease plan of action.


    2019 OEH Koala Project

    Funds $10,000

    Service Level Agreement developed to deliver one element of the SOS Iconic Koala Project which sets broad conservation actions for the koala across NSW, including the mitigation of threats to koalas, idientifcation and usage of koala habitat and management and rehabilitation of koala habitat on private lands. Saving our Species staff will work collaboratively with Southern New England Landcare Ltd to ensure this agreement can deliver its objectives.


    2018 NT Koala Tracking Project

    Funds: $2500

    The public will be invited to report koala sightings to SNEL by phone or email from May to September 2018.

    SNEL will collect information from the reporter on a standard form, collecting the following key information:

    • Live or dead koala
    • Number of koalas
    • Reporters name, phone number, email.
    • Location of sighting (more information needed if not on the reporter’s land),
    • Date and time of sighting.

    SNEL will then email key personnel requesting a site visit to record data and collect scats for analysis and uploading to NSW Bionet Atlas.


    2015-2017 Quollity Koala Corridors & Questions

    Funds: $96,004

    Source: NSW Environmental Trust

    In partnership with Citizens Wildlife Corridors we will enhance and protect key wildlife movement corridors by planting new vegetation and protecting remnant vegetation. The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) and Spotted Tail Quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) are taking centre stage as iconic species being protected. The project will also survey birds as indicator species for assessment of habitat health.


    2014 UNE Koala Vegetation Survey

    Funding $2000

    Koala Vegetation Survey - commissioned by Facilities Management Services. Location - UNE campus.


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