• (02) 6772 9123
  • mail@snelandcare.org.au


    Australian Red-Cross Recovery Basics

    Recovery Basics - looking after yourself during and after disasters

    Australian Red-Cross Wellbeing toolkit

    The Australian Red-Cross Wellbeing toolkit - it is important to actively create the space for your own wellbeing and to honestly check in with how you're faring on a personal level.

    What you can do now to be more prepared for next time

    Let’s face it, emergencies can be scary and stressful, so why not get prepared now with some of these great resources:

    Fire Recovery Services

    The NSW Department  of Resilience has produced a fact sheet on Fire Recovery Services available across the state. Click here to download the fact sheet.

    MindHealth Phone Line 1300 029 131

    O MindHealth Page 1From 1 July 2020, Monday – Saturday, a new phone line will offer support and counselling for people who may be anxious, worried, or feel like they need to talk to someone about a challenging time. This is not a crisis service – but those in crisis will be supported to access other services that are better suited to their needs.

    No referral is required – just pick up the phone and call 1300 029131.

    You can help promote this service by downloading the Poster, the Calling Card or the DL Brochure.


    Farmgate Support Program

    The Farmgate Support Program provides free emotional and mental health support to people living and working in rurla and remote communities.

    For more information, please visit their website or call 0477 322 851 (Monday to Friday 8.00am-4.30pm) or send an email.

    You can access a copy of their brochure here

    Rural Adversity Mental Health Program - RAMHP

    RAMHP exists for regional, rural and remote people and communities of NSW.

    The program emerged in 2007 during drought and while it has evolved and broadened its community reach, it continues to have a specific focus of supporting people and communities who depend on primary production and agriculture, alongside other priority populations at greater risk of mental ill health.

    Free Online Tool Kit - ifarmwell

    The ifarmwell website has been designed by Australian farmers to help other Australian farmers cope effectively with life’s challenges and get the most out of every day. It does this by sharing practical ways of coping with difficult circumstances, thoughts and feelings (especially worries about things you can’t control) and helping you to work out where it is most useful for you to put your attention and energy. Find out more here.

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