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    Introducing Matt Elsley

    Matt Elsley320In October this year Southern New England Landcare welcomed Matt Elsley to the team as the Koala Conservation Officer for the Northern Tablelands Regional Koala Partnership.

    Matt is excited about his Koala Conservation Officer role with Landcare.

    "This role provides an opportunity to actively develop and collaborate on threatened species conservation and strategies using my scientific knowledge and ecologically focussed background," said Matt.

    The Northern Tablelands holds some of the most significant Koala populations away from the coast and is a valuable region for many other threatened species, as well as being key area for climate refugia into the future.

    Matt is keen to use his skills and knowledge of this region for Koala conservation, which will also support many other species as a result.

    "I hope that by bringing together the community, and the many other groups and agencies already working for our region’s ecology, we can enhance and foster collaborations and partnerships and achieve significant outcomes for conservation," he said.

    Matt moved up to Armidale from the coast in 2014 to Study at UNE, where he completed degrees in Environmental Science, Geology and Archaeology.

    After volunteering for some ecologically focussed work towards the end of his degree, Matt decided to double down into ecology and uses the diverse range of skills he has learned to allow him to approach ecology with a multidisciplinary mindset.

    Since then and before joining Landcare, Matt has been working as an environmental scientist and ecologist specialising in fauna ecology and has extensive experience in ecological monitoring and surveying.

    He has a keen interest in conservation and climate adaptation and is excited to develop and contribute to projects that enhance both scientific and community understanding of animals and their environments to best prepare and enhance their resilience into the future.

    Matt also has strong ties to the local community through his volunteer role as Commander of the Armidale State Emergency Service.

    Matt is always up for a chat and can be contacted at via email or at the Southern New England Landcare Community Resource Centre on 02 6772 9123.

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