Peter Metcalfe has been awarded the 2015 Southern New England Landcare Coordinator’s Choice Award. Announced at the SNELCC Christmas Party, this award acknowledges Peter for his extensive voluntary input to Landcare events and projects, and for his ongoing provision of expertise, mentoring and leadership.
Peter’s environmental expertise is the result of a lifetime of interest. His acquired knowledge of things related to plants, birds and vegetation ecology in the New England region (not to mention other parts of Australia!) has greatly enriched the understandings of many ‘landcarers’, regardless of their affiliations.
For many years, Peter has been involved with the work of the Armidale Tree Group, Southern New England Landcare, the Armidale Branch of the NSW National Parks Association. He has also enlightened many trainee teachers in the importance of our natural environment and a multitude of ways to bring a love of learning into the world of others. Furthermore, he is a respected leader of nature tours to other parts of Australia.
In addition, Peter has recently been a valuable part of Southern New England Landcare’s Master Tree Grower Course and Agro-forestry Peer Group Mentoring project. This project has seen a number of people become peer group mentors for local landholders wishing to develop agro-forestry projects on their properties. Peter’s multitude of skills in this area provided a great asset to this ‘leadership training’.
Peter is also now a valuable member of the SNE Landcare Board, helping keep our organisation on an even keel and moving forward into a rewarding future. Thank you Peter, for bringing what you do.