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    Completed Projects

    2019-2023 Turning the Tide for the Regent Honeyeater

    The Regent Honeyeater is a unique Australian songbird on the verge of extinction, with fewer than 400 estimated to survive in the wild.

    At this level every individual counts, and the Northern Tablelands is significant for the conservation of this critically endangered species as breeding pairs regularly establish nests in our region.

    The “Turning the tide on threatened species - Regent Honeyeater” project is supported with funding over 5 years by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

    Regent Honeyeater DEAN INGWERSEN320The project will deliver priority actions identified in the National Recovery Plan for the Regent Honeyeater that address threats and improve the amount and quality of habitat for the species.

    The project is being delivered by the Northern Tablelands Regional Landcare Consortium – a partnership between Northern Tablelands Local Land Services and the four Landcare Networks on the Tablelands: Southern New England Landcare SNEL (Armidale), Glen Innes Natural Resources Advisory Committee GLENRAC (Glen Innes), Gwydir Macintyre Resource Advisory Committee GWYMAC (Inverell) and Granite Borders Landcare Committee GBLC (Tenterfield).

    The project seeks to gain the support of the whole community to raise awareness of the Regent Honeyeater, and to empower and assist the community with resources and funding to take actions that address threats to the species.

    Key project activities include:

    • Improving extent and quality of habitat for Regent Honeyeaters (through fencing, revegetation, weed control, noisy miner and other pest animal control, honeybee management, thinning, community education)
    • Increase understanding of the size, structure and population trends of wild populations of Regent Honeyeater (community bird surveys, formal bird surveys (nesting, breeding, feeding), habitat monitoring, promote/educate community to report sightings, local research projects)
    • Maintain and increase community awareness, understanding and involvement in the recovery program (community education events - bird watching, on ground practices, farm planning, publications, planting events).

    The project also aims to support and encourage landholders and community members to be involved in the conservation of the Regent Honeyeater and other threatened woodland birds. Ongoing monitoring of critical breeding and foraging habitat will evaluate breeding success at key sites and at other known or suspected Regent Honeyeater sites. The project will implement a broad strategy of education and awareness raising of the need for Regent Honeyeater conservation and continue to inform, support and encourage landholders and community members to be involved in the conservation of the Regent Honeyeater and other threatened woodland birds.

    Community members are invited to join Regent Honeyeater Focus Groups via their local Landcare Network as a way to become involved in this project. Contact your local Landcare network or LLS for further information as per the contact details below:

    • Northern Tablelands Local Land Services 02 6770 2000
    • Southern New England Landcare (SNEL) 02 6772 9123
    • Granite Borders Landcare Committee (GBLC) 02 6736 3500
    • Glen Innes Natural Resources Advisory Committee (GLENRAC) 02 6732 3443
    • Gwydir Macintyre Resource Advisory Committee (GWYMAC) 02 6721 1241

    Download a copy of the Project Summary here.

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