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    Completed Projects

    2016-17 Agroforestry Peer Group Mentoring

    Funds: $49,983

    Source:National Landcare Program

    Contract: SGR1-0264

    This project will increase the capacity and knowledge of farmers to productively and sustainably manage grazing lands on the Northern Tablelands while also providing future income streams from agroforestry, increasing profitability. It will also improve adoption of appropriate agroforestry management practices that will increase production while maintaining and enhancing the natural resource base.

    PGMImage5Southern New England Landcare Ltd will manage and administer the project, sub-contract the Australian Agroforestry Foundation (AAF) to deliver a Master TreeGrower Program, and deliver an Agroforestry Peer Group Mentoring Program in our region. These activities will support landholders through innovative extension techniques, to adopt appropriate agroforestry practices across a broad landscape.

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    Do you have a project that could benefit from a grant? Would you neighbours like to particpate?

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