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    Coordinator's Choice Awarded to David Henderson

    DavidHenderson320Each year, Southern New England Landcare's Coordinators recognise a member who provides significant assistance or support with the "Coordinator's Choice" Landcarer of the Year Award.

    "This is the person who has helped the most to keep us sane throughout the last 12 months," quipped Karen Zirkler, Executive Officer of Southern New England Landcare.

    "Seriously though, it's a chance for our team at Landcare to reflect on and recognise the incredible support that a key volunteer makes to our organisation and our community," she said.

    In 2020, the Coordinator’s Choice Award has been made to David Henderson, outgoing President of the last four years.

    "David lives in the Ward’s Mistake area north east of Guyra, so getting to Armidale is no small trip, and he made time to call at the office most weeks to check in and lend his ear to what was going on," said Karen.

    "David is no stranger to stepping up and helping in Landcare at the regional level, holding down roles as the Secretary and Treasurer of NENW Landcare and Chair of the New England sub-committee of that organisation for several years," she said.

    David is interested in pathways to mental wellness awareness-raising and he made significant effort to bring attention to this in the Landcare space.

    "His positive, no-fuss attitude to his roles and the support he provided has been much appreciated by all our staff, hence our unanimous decision to make this award," said Karen.

    Southern New England Landcare congratulations David Henderson on an award well-deserved.

    At the organisation's recent Annual General Meeting, Chairman Steve Harvey thanked David Henderson on behalf of the board for his great contributions to the organisation over a very long time, but in particular his work over the last four years as President.

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