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    Walcha Resilience Dinner Equips Community for Drought

    Walcha 31 May 2024 640On Friday, 31st May, Southern New England Landcare together with Resilient Ready hosted a Resilience Dinner in Walcha as part of the FRRR Community Impact Program.

    The event brought together 20 residents from the Walcha area to learn about personal, business, and community resilience.

    Guest speaker Renae Hanvin from Resilient Ready provided practical tips for businesses to remain sustainable during economic and environmental challenges with insights into how disasters can bring opportunities, the power of community and business networks and how to transform what you know into venue streams.

    ‘There were plenty of “a-ha” moments during the event - it’s fantastic to see people realise they are all facing similar challenges and how they can learn from the experiences of each other to thrive on and off the farm,’ said Renae Hanvin from Resilient Ready.

    Anna Hughes from the Lachlan Hughes Foundation spoke about the roots of the foundation and how it is empowering farmers across Australia to help build resilience within their businesses.

    ‘When a guest speaker like Anna shares a deeply personal story about her family's struggle with tragedy and her journey as a wife, mother, and business partner, the entire room feels a profound connection,’ said Elizabeth Rosser from Southern New England Landcare.

    ‘The sense of empathy and connection resonated throughout the evening, and we hope people left feeling more resilient and optimistic,’ said Elizabeth.

    This event was the first in a series of Community Connectedness events in the Walcha LGA.

    Please visit Southern New England Landcare or call 02 6772 9123 to learn more.

    This event is supported by FRRR, through funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, and the Young Farmer Business Program.


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