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    Latest News

    Thank you Regional Australia Bank!

    SNEL CEO Karen Zirkler with RAB CEO David Heine320Southern New England Landcare was presented with $6,628.40 at the annual Regional Australia Bank Community Partnership Program recognition evening, at the Armidale Golf Club, on Wednesday 10th August 2022.

    In the 2021-2022 financial year, Regional Australia Bank contributed more than $2 million in donations to worthwhile community groups!

    Community members banking with Regional Australia Bank choose the local community group they are passionate about – and simply go about their banking.

    Regional Australia Bank calculates their average annual balance and donates the equivalent of 0.75% to the chosen group for the current financial year.

    Southern New England Landcare congratulates Regional Australia Bank on such an awesome initiative.

    Image - Southern New England Landcare's CEO, Karen Zirkler, receives the certificate from Regional Australia Bank's CEO, David Heine at the Armidale Golf Club.

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