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    Latest News

    GreyFantailInSightEcologySmallEstablishing habitat that allows threatened and declining woodland birds to forage, shelter and reproduce across landscapes used for primary production, was the focus of the Bush for Birds afternoon at Hariet Gully near Kelly’s Plains recently.

    Ruth Trémont, from Southern New England Landcare said, “A bus tour of local properties showcasing tree and shrub plantings, gave participants opportunities to hear and see how individual landholders had tackled revegetation on their properties.”

    “Hariet Gully is central to a 20 km-wide gap in habitat that extends from Invergowrie in the west to Dangars Gorge in the east.

    TOSFSmallThe Trees on Small Farms project is well underway with unprecedented interest and participation!

    SNELandcare Coordinator, Karen Zirkler said, “Thirty-four participants attended the planning workshop in September 2017, where they heard from guest speakers, and planned their tree projects on maps kindly provided by the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services.”

    ChrisDuncanSmallLocal Arding Landcare Group member, Chris Duncan, has been recognised as the 2017 recipient of the John-Winter Irving Bequest.

    IMG 1713smallOn 28th February 2018, seventeen participants began a soil workshop series with Derek Smith at the Kentucky Hall. The program aims to help participants formulate a long-term plan for soil management so in 5, 10 and 20 years, the farm is in better shape and more resilient to challenges.

    Feed mix with grain SmallAdvice from Northern Tablelands Local Land Services Officer (Beef Cattle) – Jason Siddell

    There has been a bit of storm rain about (and let’s hope it continues) but there is, of course, a lag between rainfall and feed growth. Early weaning is a tool that can be used by Northern Tablelands cattle producers to manage feed costs and maintain productivity. Please find below strategies for early weaning.

    Image courtesy NT LLS.

    david clode 451027 unsplashThe Aboriginal Fishing Trust Fund (AFTF) provides grants ($0 to $1,000,000) and loans for the enhancement, maintenance and protection of Aboriginal cultural fishing as well as for Aboriginal communities to develop businesses associated with fisheries resources throughout NSW. Closes 21 March 2018.

    rawpixel com 570908 unsplashThe Australian Government is investing up to $5 million in small grants of between $5,000 and $50,000 to community, environment and other groups to deliver natural resource management activities that improve the quality of the local environment. The program aims to provide access to funding for projects that address the following National Landcare Program environment objective: to protect and conserve Australia’s water, plants and animals and the ecosystems in which they live and interact, in partnership with local communities.

    Applications close 19th March. More information at http://www.nrm.gov.au/national-landcare-program/environment-small-grants. Why not call our office and let us help your group get organised to apply!

    DerekSquareFormulate a long-term plan for your soil management so in 5, 10 and 20 years time, your farm is in better shape and more resilient to challenges with Derek Smith, one of only 4 Kinsey-Albrecht Soil Practitioners in Australia. Join Derek as he guides and mentors you through this 4-day soil management program.

    Days 1 & 2 (28 Feb - 1 Mar 2018) focus on how and why soils respond in certain ways to inputs, stock management and farming practises. Explore options to improve outcomes in the short, medium and long term.

     Download the flier here.

    BC2Armidale youth landcare group, Black Creek Bush Care (BC2) are congratulated on their successful grant application to the NLP Small Community Grants recently "Regenerative Agriculture for the Next Generation". Under the BC2 project, the Agriculture Teaching Departments at Armidale High School (AHS) and New England Girls School (NEGS) will combine to host a field day for the Northern Tablelands Secondary School Agriculture Network. The project aims to build capacity within the school community to gain skills and knowledge around regenerative agriculture and innovative farming practices.

    AURG1Armidale Urban Rivercare Group (AURG) are to be congratulated on their successful grant application to the NLP Small Community Grants recently. This Project will erect signage and host an open day at a rehabilitated section of Dumaresq Creek in Armidale to:

    justin clark 403373smallWomen are taking the wheel with both hands when it comes to self-empowerment and education on-farm with the expansion of the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services Ladies in Livestock program.

    XmasSquareSouthern New England Landcare Ltd will hold it's Annual General Meeting from 5.30 - 6.00 pm on Thursday 30th November 2017 at the Uralla Community Centre, Hill St Uralla. All members are invited to attend, and stay on afterwards for the annual Christmas function, where members and friends can enjoy...

    • Discussion on the Australian Government’s new National Landcare Program and Smart Farms Grants.
    • 2017 John Winter Irving Bequest recipient announced.
    • 2017 Coordinator’s Choice Award, and
    • Festive fnger food and drinks until 8.30 pm.

    Real Australian energy policy leadership this week has been shown by the independent Federal member for Indi, Cathy McGowan, says Starfish Initiatives.

    BushForBirdsImageSmallAre we ‘closing the gaps’ in habitat? So we, our kids and grandkids can continue to experience the wonder of our native fauna?

    Join us on 25th November 2017 at a field event to find out:


    SNELandcare has made available three subsidies to the value of $550 (the cost of conference registration) to the first three members who would like toattend the State Landcare and LLS Conference and Awards in Albury from 25-27 October 2017.

    DerekSmithFDNew England North West Landcare is offering organisations, groups and individuals the opportunity to apply for grants to support events, training or capacity building activities that increase community resilience. CLOSING MONDAY 19th OCTOBER!

    SerratedTussockNew England Weeds Authority in conjunction with the Weeds Society of NSW and the NSW Department of Primary Industries will host the 19th NSW Weeds Conference at the University of New England, Armidale from 16 -19 October 2017.

    Image - Serrated Tussock is a 'Weed of National Significance'.

    The Chairman of New England Weeds Authority, Councillor Mark Dusting said “we are delighted to be hosting such a prestigious conference that will bring together delegates from not only across the State but from interstate as well. With the recent introduction of the new Biosecurity Act 2015, and the fact that the financial impact of weeds on agriculture alone costs approximately $2.5 billion a year in lost production and an estimated further $1.8 billion annually in control activities, there has never been a more important time to come together to meet the many and varied challenges faced by weed professionals and the industry in general.

    Photo by Scott Webb on UnsplashSmallJoin everyone at 10:00am on Sunday 17th September at the Creeklands Cycleway off Elm Avenue, near UNE for a friendly, social ride. This is suitable for riders of all ages and abilities. Then, join us for an Armidale Urban Rivercare Group planting PLUS morning tea and BBQ lunch provided by Armidale Dumaresq Lions (gold coin donation).

    The ride is approximately 6km long, all on the Creeklands Cycleway (no road riding). If that’s too far for you, join us at any point along the Cycleway! We will be riding past the Farmers Markets at around 10:15-10:20am.

    All riders that make it to the end can go in the prize draw, with the grand prize being a voucher from the Armidale Bicycle Centre worth for over $400! Download a flier here!

    South Armidale KoalaAs part of the joint 2015-17 CWC/SNEL Quollity Koala Corridors and Questions Project, funded by the NSW Environmental Trust, eleven properties in the corridor between Dangars Falls and Tilbuster were surveyed for koalas during summer 2015-16. As a result, nine of these properties revealed evidence of recent koala activity, or the actual presence of at least one koala.

    JeffAndMichelleFor many of us, where we find ourselves on any given day may not resemble where we thought we would be when we started out on our journey.
    When Jeff Pow purchased Southampton Homestead in 2006, he started with a Bed and Breakfast and a weekend getaway. Today he and his wife Michelle run Western Australia’s only vertically integrated pastured poultry business.

    “The business has grown through boldness, resilience and hope,” says Jeff.

    After starting full- time farming in 2011, using regenerative farming principles and practices, the Southampton Farm is an amazing multi enterprise farming business based on perennial pastures. All this was recovered from a pine plantation which had been cleared before Jeff bought the property.

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