eNews #18


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Our latest news and upcoming events for your calendar.

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Healthy waterways key to productive pastures

boxley feature image drpl projectAs managing the effects of climate variability continues to be a growing concern for producers across the NSW Northern Tablelands, University of New England (UNE) researchers are stressing the importance of healthy waterways when trying to achieve a resilient and productive grazing system.

It was the key message at a series of recent coaching sessions held as part of the Drought Resilient Pasture Landscapes (DRPL) project, where producers from across the region gathered to learn more about how aquatic ecosystems and pasture health go hand-in-hand.

“The quality of water and the health of waterways depends on good grazing and pasture management practices,” says Professor Lewis Kahn, who leads the DRPL project.

“Equally, healthy waterways support healthy pasture and animals," he said.

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DRPL Case Study Inspires Region

Get inspired by Ian and Julie Firth’s story of their approach to building resilience in their grazing enterprise through the Drought Resilient Pasture Landscapes project, a collaboration between Southern New England Landcare, GLENRAC and UNE. Click on the image to watch.

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Sharing Your Farming Story

EOI AG.Biz Ready Northern Tablelands

Do you have a farming business story to share? Would you like to recieve $100 to do it?

Resilience Ready in partnership with Southern New England Landcare is looking for 10 farmers from across the New England to share their stories in a short 2 minute video.

Topics include:

  • -Transforming knowledge into revenue
  • -Understanding who’s a linchpin
  • -Having the right insurance
  • Being happy at work
  • Staying financially viable in business
  • Having the right team on your farm
  • Developing solid business networks
  • Turning disasters into opportunities
  • Dealing with financial hardship
  • Protecting against cyber attack

If you have a story to share please get in touch with Elizabeth Rosser or Bekah Baynard-Smith for more information and to register your interest.

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Review of the NSW Koala Strategy

The ‘Reviewing the NSW Koala Strategy’ discussion paper has been released and is available at by clicking on this link.

This discussion paper will supplement advice from the NSW Koala Summit (which takes place on 22 March 2024) to review how actions, targets and delivery approaches are working to save koalas around the State.

Submissions are invited from the general public and stakeholder groups and are open now and close on 26 April 2024.

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Help the Bug Hunt

Caterpiller pic 320Have you ever wondered about the amazing slithering, squirming, flying, crawling native critters that live in your garden or favourite bushwalking spot? Have you ever considered that among them there might be a new invasive insect that could devastate Australia’s environment?

Well we’ve made it fun and easy for you (and your kids or grandkids) to find out and help out.

It’s time to join over 10,000 Australians on the great Australian Bug Hunt!

Using powerful AI and a simple app, it’s easy to identify weird and wonderful insects just by snapping a photo with your mobile phone. You can satisfy your curiosity, be entertained, and learn interesting facts about our valuable native species!

Click here to Get a Bug Hunt Package

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Advancing Our Region Towards 50,000

Armidale Regional Council's draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) 'Advancing our Region towards 50,000' is currently available for public comment and feedback with submissions closing on 19th March 2024.

There are pop up consultation question times with Council staff happening at some of the villages - Ebor, Ben Lomand, Wollomombi, and Hillgrove. 

Please see https://yoursay.armidale.nsw.gov.au/draft-local-strategic-planning-statement for more information.

Please note, the document should be read in tandem with the NSW Regional plan which can be found at https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/plans-for-your-area/regional-plans/new-england-north-west-regional-plan-2041 

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Coming Events

To see all of Southern New England Landcare's upcoming events, visit our events page at https://snelandcare.org.au/group-events.html.

NSW Farmers Uralla Branch Meeting & Dinner

The Uralla Branch of NSW Farmers will be holding a General Meeting, AGM and Dinner on Monday 11 March 2024 in Uralla.

Uralla Branch would like to expand their membership, and you are invited to consider bringing neighbours and other interested people.

More information and RSVPs to Sonia Williams, Honorary Secretary, NSW Farmers Uralla Branch.

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Digital Marketing Workshops

Northern Tablelands will host Julie Humphris from The Rural Women for some Digital Marketing Workshops. All levels of digital experience are encouraged to come. Material is aimed at being relevant to many different businesses and enterprises. bring a charged laptop on the day. Click on the flier to download a pdf.Armidale Digital Solutions March 2024

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Free FARM First Aid Training - Bendemeer

Click on the image to download a pdf.

Flyer Farm First Aid FFA 26.03.2024 Bendemeer

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FREE ‘AG.Biz Ready’ Program open to all Northern Tablelands Farmers

Young Farmer‘AG.Biz Ready Northern Tablelands' is a FREE micro-learning program available to all young farmers operating across the Northern Tablelands in New South Wales.
Registrations are now open with the first round of modules to be released on 2nd April 2024.
Funded by the Young Farmer Business Program, an initiative of the NSW Department of Primary Industries, 'AG.Biz Ready Northern Tablelands' is a Resilient Ready Business Community Resilience (BCR) Toolkit solution.

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