eNews #12


Landcare Inline Green on White

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to this week's eNews.

2023 Landchat

In the coming weeks as we wind down for the festive season, the staff at Southern New England Landcare will be collating the 2023 Landchat newsletter for your enjoyment. Landchat showcases in full colour, all the great Landcare projects and activities that have occurred in our region since the last edition produced in December 2022.

Hard copies will be posted to members for their enjoyment over the festive season. If you have not already signed up for your free membership to guarantee your copy, please sign up here before Friday 8th December.

If you are unsure of your membership status, you can ring our office on 02 6772 9123 to check and we can sign you up over the phone. From now on, once your membership is renewed, you remain a member until you unsubscribe.

Latest News

New Board and Awards at 2023 AGM

IMG 5654 RAY SOUTHSouthern New England Landcare held its Annual General Meeting at Uralla Community Centre from 6pm on Wednesday 15th November.

Special guest speaker on the night was local Landcarer, Ray South. Ray is a past recipient of the John Winter Irving Bequest, which he used to study and implement Syntropic Agriculture, the topic of his talk. 

The composition of the Southern New England Landcare board of directors changed this year, with the retirement of two board members.

Bill Perrottet volunteered his time on the board for an outstanding 12 years, culminating in his final year as President. The board and membership thanked Bill for his significant contribution over many years, noting that he will be missed. Bill reassured everyone that he is still the group respresentative for the Guyra Landcare Network and intends to support biannual member musters.

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Events | Training | Opportunities

Walcha Managing Your Grazing Landscape with David Hardwick

For more information please click the link below: 

Workshop 4 Walcha

Guyra - Managing Your Grazing Landscapes with David Hardwick

For more information please click the link below

Workshop 4 Guyra


Our office hours are 9 am - 4 pm Tuesdays to Thursdays, or by appointment at other times.

Contact us on 02 6772 9123 OR Email us OR Visit our website here


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