eNews #9

Landcare Inline Green on White

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Latest News

Introducing Matt Elsley

Matt Elsley320In October this year Southern New England Landcare welcomed Matt Elsley to the team as the Koala Conservation Officer for the Northern Tablelands Regional Koala Partnership.

Matt is excited about his Koala Conservation Officer role with Landcare.

"This role provides an opportunity to actively develop and collaborate on threatened species conservation and strategies using my scientific knowledge and ecologically focussed background," said Matt.

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UNE preparing farmers for next big dry

320 UrandangieA University of New England (UNE) project is teaching farmers how to avoid overestimating feed availability this summer.

With a hot summer on the horizon, UNE is helping farmers across the Northern Tablelands to drought-proof their properties and minimise impacts of the next big dry.

Pasture coach and project officer for the Drought Resilient Pasture and Landscapes (DRPL) project, Jaimi-lee Edwards, is mentoring local graziers to effectively assess pastures, create feed budgets, and use cutting edge tools to predict weather conditions.

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Little Llangothlin Picnic for Nature

The GuyrLittle Llangothlin Picturea Landcare Network and the Ben Lomond Landcare Group, invite you to  a ‘Picnic for Nature’ at Little Llangothlin Lagoon on Saturday 21st of October from 10:30am to 2pm.

Communities across NSW will simultaneously host a picnic - in conjunction with Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC), to provide an opportunity to bring nature lovers together to connect over the natural beauty and biodiversity in the local area and experience a diverse variety of birds, frogs and vegetation.

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Events | Training | Opportunities

Little Llangothlin Picnic for Nature

For more information click the image below

Invite Picnic in Nature

Armidale Tree Group Tree Planting Tours

ATG Planting Tours 320

The help celebrate Armidale Tree Group's 40th Birthday, the group are opening up to the public, two member farms where thousands of trees have been planted over the years.

  • Saturday 21st October, Selwyn's Wood, 303 Castledoyle Rd, Armidale will open 10am-3pm.
  • Sunday 22nd October, Liberty Plains, 300 Gara Rd, Armidale will open 10am-3pm.

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Guyra Junior Landcare sign up

For more information please click the image below.

Junior Landcare Sign up 320px

Walcha Workshop 3 - Pasture Plant Identification & Function

Reboot YG Workshop 3 Walcha

Walcha providers networking event

Know your providers Business connect event 08Nov 320

Walcha Council would like to invite you and your colleagues to ‘Know your Providers’ event - a business and agri-business networking event with the Walcha community with 3 keynote speakers: Walcha Council, Service NSW, and Workforce Australia Local Jobs.

Come along and support Walcha businesses over a brekkie!

When : 8th November 2023, 7am to 9am

Where: Walcha Bowling Club

Free breakfast will be provided.

If you are interested and feel that it is an amazing opportunity, please RSVP by 20 October, 2023.

Click here for flier or please call 0429 838 365 for more information.


Our office hours are 9 am - 4 pm Tuesdays to Thursdays, or by appointment at other times.

Contact us on 02 6772 9123 OR Email us OR Visit our website here


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