eBLAST - Invitation to May Member Muster: 18 May



Landcare Inline Green on White

Hello Visitor,

It's been a while since Southern New England Landcare has hosted their traditional quarterly 'SNELCC' meetings with the Group Reps.

This is a special offer for SNEL Individual Associate Members to join the Group Representatives, next Wednesday evening in Uralla, for a Landcare get-together and thinktank.

Join our team!

Join Our TeamSouthern New England Landcare Ltd is looking for a new Project Officer in Sustainable Agriculture to join the growing team.

This role is responsible for planning, delivering, and reporting on various sustainable agriculture projects held by Southern New England Landcare Ltd including a project funded under the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund.

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Pub date: 26/5/22

Southern New England Landcare's normal office hours are 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday - Thursday. 
Please contact us on 6772 9123 or at: mail@snelandcare.org.au


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