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  • mail@snelandcare.org.au

    Armidale Urban Rivercare Group Claimed

    128 Beardy Street, Armidale 2350, New South Wales, Armidale Regional Council, Australia

    Group Details

    Between 1996 and 2001 The Vegetation Committee of Armidale City Council and subsequently a sunset Dumaresq Creeklands Catchment Committee of Council, decided to form a Rivercare Committee to progress rehabilitation of Dumaresq Creek.

    Armidale Urban Rivercare Group (AURG) initially formed as a group under the Department of Land and Water Conservation, and subsequently became a sub-group of Southern New England Landcare Ltd.

    The group formed to “rehabilitate the creeklands to preserve or restore the natural morphology and hydrology of the stream by natural processes and to re-establish native vegetation indigenous to the local area.”

    A rehabilitation process was chosen as opposed to remediation or restoration because:

    • Remediation involves massive interventions to create or recreate natural or modified water bodies. Some remediation proponents wanted to establish permanent flowing water and dam structures in Dumaresq Creek. This is considered very detrimental to the environment and involves huge costs. These types of activities are not eligible under State nor Federal Government environmental grant guidelines.
    • Restoration was considered impossible because there was an extremely low percentage of native vegetation left along Dumaresq Creek.

    Since 2002, the group has sourced grants to undertake rehabilitation plantings along Dumaresq Creek, Armidale.

    We always welcome new members to our group. Helping out at our working bees will require you to become a member. Membership is free. Sign up here and be sure to tick the box indicating you wish to be associated with Armidale Urban Rivercare Group.

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    Map Location

    Create Group Events

    •  Armidale, New South Wales
      28 September 2024 , 10:30 AM until 12:00 PM
      10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
      Type: Social
      Armidale Urban Rivercare Group (AURG), a subgroup of Southern New England Landcare, would like you to join them to celebrate the completion of the Weedy Wasteland to Wildlife Wetland Project.

    Attending Events


    Sep 2024

    Weedy Wasteland to Wildlife Wetland Celebration
    10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    Armidale, New South Wales
    company map
    128 Beardy Street, Armidale 2350, New South Wales, Armidale Regional Council, Australia

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